Recognizing the potential for CAR T to transform the way we treat some of the most complex conditions, Shift Health assembled a multidisciplinary panel of experts to develop concrete recommendations to prepare Canadian healthcare systems to enhance equitable access to this innovative treatment.
Save our Sight (SOS): a collective call-to-action for enhanced retinal care across health systems in high income countries
This peer-reviewed paper presents solutions to alleviate health system capacity constraints for retinal care.
Measuring the Impact of Research
Impact assessments help funders and health research organizations evaluate progress and performance of their investments and optimize plans for long-term success.
Status of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) in Canada’s Life Sciences Sector
The report is informed by the findings from a national survey of life sciences organizations and focus groups with diverse individuals working in the sector.
Curating the Cabinet
We share key insights for pharmaceutical companies bringing new products to the Canadian market, highlighting considerations for the current and future hospital formulary decision-making landscape.
Amplifying Applied Research in Canadian Colleges
We explore the unique dynamics that colleges must address to establish a competitive edge, present proven and emerging strategies to distinguish research programs, and highlight success stories from the Canadian college ecosystem.
Industry Report: PrEP has tremendous potential across a range of infectious diseases, and innovators need to be ready
To capture opportunities in PrEP beyond HIV, innovators will need to account for unique clinical, commercial and access considerations at the product or portfolio level.
White paper: Unprecedented growth in the life sciences sector is spurring significant demand for wet lab space in the Toronto Region
Toronto Global commissioned Shift Health to conduct stakeholder interviews and secondary research to support the development of a white paper that explores the shortfall of wet lab space in the Toronto Region and details recommendations to catalyze investment and meet demand.
Embedding IDEA Within Traditional Leadership Competencies to Realize Durable Change
An awakening to systemic racism and harmful colonial structures in the context of a pandemic has made health inequities and injustices impossible to ignore and is driving healthcare organizations to strengthen approaches to inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility (IDEA). If these efforts are to succeed, we must redefine the competencies that define leadership.