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Partnership Strategy

Development and management of R&D alliances

Health research and innovation are high-risk and resource-intensive, and multidisciplinary, multisector partnerships are increasingly pivotal to sharing risk, sustaining efforts, diversifying opportunities and achieving impact. Developing a successful alliance requires creativity and empathy: the creativity to build collaborative models that reflect the unique needs of the partners and embed the resilience to thrive in a rapidly changing research landscape; the empathy to engage with diverse personalities, find common ground and coalesce parties around a shared mission.

Shift Health advises some of the world’s most complex and ambitious R&D alliances and brings a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in brokering, mobilizing and governing partnerships that span sectors, disciplines and geographies. Our work across the health innovation ecosystem affords us an appreciation of the perspectives of groups with divergent agendas; an ability to align common interests and build consensus where objectives compete; and the experience to create durable decision-making structures that foster clarity, fairness and accountability.

Partnership Evaluation – Partnership Governance – Alliance Management